Thursday, January 17, 2013

Frozen in motion

I've been slacking on my blog lately and I apologize. I hope you're all well and healthy and safe. I was hoping that over winter break I'd have time to think and work out some of my problems with my self injury. Unfortunately it's progressed and gotten worse. It's consuming my life to the point where I can't sleep or really function without doing it every day. I'm trying to move forward but like many things in life that isn't an easy task. Every day I'm trying to fight it and there are times where I'm not ready to move on and quit however I'm hoping those times may decrease. My grandfather is suffering from heart problems and has made the choice to aim for a surgery to lengthen his life a few more years so that is a stress that will be lingering but I'm hoping for the best. Going back to school on Tuesday will present yet another obstacle to face but I think I have the strength to make it. I'm pretty sure I have a new roommate, a new start. For anyone out there who feels as if they are stuck in a rut or frozen in motion please know I'm here if you need me, its okay to ask for help, we all go through it, and please please never forget that you are stronger than you think. Stay safe everyone.

1 comment:

  1. You will make it. I'm a recovering self-injurer, and it has really helped me to view it the same as any other addiction. I hope things will improve soon!
